5 DIY Upgrades That Improve the Utility of Your Garage

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You know that your garage can be more than just a space to house your car. With a little creativity and effort, it can be transformed into an area with multiple uses, and it can feel more organized. If you’re a DIYer who loves working on home projects in the garage, consider these DIY upgrades that can help improve the utility of your garage. Read on to discover the fantastic projects you can tackle to make your garage work harder.

Get Your Gear Off the Ground With Vertical Storage

One of the easiest and most impactful ways to improve your garage space is by installing a vertical storage system like a slatwall or pegboard. While some may see them as the same, slatwall and pegboards have their differences, with slatwall generally offering greater versatility regarding what it can store. These storage solutions provide an organized space for all your tools, gardening equipment, sporting goods, and more. Plus, getting items onto the walls frees up floor space so you can navigate your garage more easily.

Install Overhead Storage Racks

Install overhead storage racks to take advantage of your garage’s unused ceiling space. These sturdy platforms can hold a surprising amount of weight, making them perfect for storing bulky items like seasonal decorations, camping gear, and off-season tires. With everything up and out of the way, you’ll have more room to work on your DIY projects or possibly even park an extra vehicle.

Improve Lighting for Safety and Visibility

Good lighting is often overlooked in garages, but it can vastly improve the utility of the space. Consider replacing your existing bulbs with LED lights or adding supplementary light fixtures. Bright, well-lit spaces make it easier to find what you need, especially when you’re working on DIY projects. Improved lighting can also enhance safety in your garage, as it becomes easier to spot potential hazards on the floor or work surfaces.

Create a Custom Workbench

A dedicated workbench in your garage can make a world of difference regarding the ease and efficiency of completing DIY projects or home repairs. You can design and build a custom workbench that suits your needs, with built-in storage for all your tools and materials. Adding features like pegboards, power strips, or a built-in vise can make your workbench the ultimate workspace.

Upgrade Flooring for Durability and Aesthetics

Lastly, give your garage floor a facelift. Epoxy or modular flooring can vastly improve the look and feel of your garage and offer durability and easy maintenance. Many DIY kits are available, making this a fairly simple weekend upgrade that will provide both functionality and visual appeal.Updating your space doesn’t have to be daunting; with these five DIY upgrades, you can improve the utility of your garage to make it more organized, efficient, and enjoyable. From vertical storage solutions to flooring upgrades, these changes will help you get the most out of your garage and make it a true home extension.