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So you’re looking for the correct chainsaw chain direction?
If so, you’re on the right page.
If you use a chainsaw regularly, you must ensure you’re using it correctly. You’re wasting your time if you don’t have your chainsaw well-equipped, correctly aligned, and functioning as it should.
And as odd as it may seem, one of the biggest questions about having a chainsaw is the chain itself. There are millions of people who own a chainsaw but don’t quite know which way the chain itself is supposed to be set up. Does it go to the left? The right? How does it work, and what is the proper way to set it up?
I’ll walk you through what you need to know. Let’s dive in.
How To Set Your Chainsaw Chain Direction

To get it working correctly, align it this way: if the bar of your chainsaw is on the left side of the device’s engine, the chain should rotate in a counter-clockwise motion. At the same time, the cutting edges must be facing away from the engine.
When utilizing a chainsaw, it’s critical to ensure you’re going in the appropriate direction. You need a chainsaw that works, cuts, and stays sharp; if your chain isn’t set correctly, the entire device will not do that.
You won’t get the most out of the equipment if you don’t follow the proper setup. Aside from that, operating a chainsaw incorrectly is also quite dangerous for anyone using it. It could lead to serious injuries – not just to the person using the chainsaw but to people nearby. Plus, it could severely damage items, furniture, and your home.
So how do you know if the chainsaw’s chain direction is correct? It may appear daunting and complicated to someone who is new to chainsaw operation, but don’t worry, it’s not that hard.
But it must be done correctly! That must always be remembered. Because the chainsaw blade’s cutting teeth are designed to cut wood only in one way, installing or putting the chainsaw chain direction in reverse will only destroy the tool. When you put the chain in the wrong direction, it can cause a number of issues.
Wasting Oil
Whenever a chainsaw’s hawser is on the wrong side, it wastes a lot of bar oil, which causes greater injury to the chainsaw. Typically, bar oil is preserved to be utilized until a certain activity or task is done. When the chainsaw blade is positioned incorrectly, however, a significant amount of bar oil is wasted. This will make the chainsaw work worse than it should and cost you a lot of money in the long run, too, not only for the oil you’re burning through but also for the repairs needed to be done to the chainsaw.
A Broken Chain Link
The chain link is a critical component of the chainsaw; if it is impaired, the saw may not function as efficiently as it should. Keeping the link at the lowest position is critical to guarantee that it’s giving the blade ample support and enabling simple and successful propulsion. Always double-check that the drive connection has been corrected to prevent causing needless harm to yourself or your project.
If you are cutting wood, the guide bar is the most crucial portion of the chainsaw. Therefore any misalignment in terms of the chainsaw blade’s direction may cause a slew of issues. As the chain is driven into the wood, you will generally end up with a significant amount of tension on the guide bar. And because the cut would be impossible, the guide bar will be damaged.
How To Clean Your Chainsaw Without A Chain
If you have to disassemble or break down your chainsaw in order to set the chain in the right direction, you have an opportunity to make your device run better. That is because when you have taken your chainsaw apart, you can use that time to clean it, maintain it, and ensure it runs at 100% when you put it back together again. This would also be a great time to sharpen your chainsaw if needed.
Yes, cleaning your chainsaw once you take the chain off is one of the best uses of your time and will make your chainsaw last long, work better, and be safer too. Before doing anything, make sure you’re working on a stable and firm surface, like a workstation or a sturdy table. A vice is also helpful, particularly if you’re honing the chainsaw and cleaning.
To tend to your chainsaw’s bar, remove it from the powerhead by undoing the bolts holding it.
Following that, you can now clean the bar of debris and grime, especially the chain groove. You can do it with a cloth, but an air compressor will also assist you in getting the desired results and need to keep your chainsaw in excellent working order.
At the time, whenever you are replacing the chainsaw’s bar, put it back in the same sequence as when you initially got it. This will guarantee that the bar wears evenly, which will assist in increasing the bar’s life while also enhancing your chainsaw’s productivity.
Polishing and maintaining the chain is also necessary, which may be accomplished using compressed air.
Using about half a gallon of water and half a cup of common household ammonia, make a solution for the rest of the procedure. You may also use an effective cleaning product like home lye. Make sure that you remain very safe regardless of what you’re using, and do not let animals or children near the chainsaw or the products and materials you use to clean it.

Remember that something like lye or other cleaning products can be terrible to inhale. You should always wear a mask or some protection. Additionally, performing this entire procedure in a well-ventilated location and with gloves on for safety is crucial. Lastly, allowing at least 20 minutes for the chain to soak in the solution would be best.
After the soaking period has passed, clean the chain well with a hard brush. After that, thoroughly rinse it and dry it with an old towel or a clean rag.
If you wish to complete this process quickly, blow the water with compressed air to dry the chain faster. This is especially handy in humid or chilly climates, where your chain may take longer to dry.
The chain must then be lubricated. You’ll accomplish this by dipping the chain in oil. Allow the surplus oil to flow off and hang it up to allow the remaining excess oil to drain as well.
When putting everything back together, ensure the chainsaw chain direction is facing the right way!
I hope you’ve found my article on chainsaw chain direction valuable and helpful. It’s always best to put everything back together correctly, so you get the most out of your chainsaw and stay safe.
Happy sawing!
Your pal,
Chainsaw Larry